For immediate release – September 1, 2020 (Ottawa) — This September marks National Chicken Month in Canada. All month long, Canadians from coast to coast will be celebrating their favourite protein – and the hard-working Canadian chicken farm families that raise it.
“Celebrating National Chicken Month is just one way to celebrate the great chicken that we have been providing to Canadians for decades,” said Benoît Fontaine, Chair of Chicken Farmers of Canada. “Canadians care deeply about their food, about knowing where it comes from and that what they’re serving to their family and friends is of the highest quality; our farmers and their families are no different.”
Canada’s chicken farmers have always been proud to provide Canadians with the highest quality chicken. Farmers have made it even easier for consumers to find, with the Raised by a Canadian Farmer logo. See this logo where you buy your chicken and have confidence in where your food is coming from, and how it’s raised.
The Raised by a Canadian Farmer brand is synonymous with origin and quality and with it, farmers take pride in their role in one of Canada’s success stories:
Farmers are consumers, too. They take great pride in being able to bring Canada’s number one protein to tables from coast to coast, including our own. It makes sense to celebrate National Chicken Month, so we can show the world that we are committed to doing everything we can to maintain our hard-earned trust.
For more information: please contact: Lisa Bishop-Spencer, Director of Brand and Communications, lbishop@chicken.ca, 613-566-5911.
Chicken Farmers of Canada is online at www.chicken.ca.